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325th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron


Ready Warrior Medics Delivering Exceptional Trusted Care through Increased Readiness, Better Care, Better Health, And Lower Cost, To Empower Team Tyndall's Mission.

A new chapter began for two 325th Medical Group units on 1 September 2019, when the 325th Medical Operations Squadron was de-activated and the 325th Aerospace Medicine re-designated as part of the most rapid and systemic transformation of the Air Force Medical Service in its 70-year history. Members from the two squadrons combined and became the 325th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron to improve Tyndall's overall readiness

The 325th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron enables combat power through disease prevention, medical intervention, occupational and environmental health programs and preparation for medical contingencies. A staff of approximately 160 healthcare professionals, organized into ten flights, delivers primary care and medical services to treat all active duty Airmen in the Warrior Medicine Clinic and Flight Medicine Clinic. The 325th OMRS also utilizes dedicated preventive integrated health care through Dental, Mental Health (Family Advocacy, Substance Abuse Counseling), Public Health, Bioenvironmental Engineering, Optometry, Physical Therapy, Immunizations, Health and Wellness activities while Aerospace and Physiology prepare our Airmen for the most extreme circumstances before they ever set foot on a plane.

The 325th OMRS will focus mainly on active-duty troops and getting them back out in the field. This reform of the medical group enhances the Air Force's ability to proactively manage active-duty care and improves personnel availability, readiness and deployability. With active-duty medical care being its own entity now, Airmen in the 325th OMRS will be able to see and care for active-duty patients faster and more efficiently.

Current as of: Oct. 20, 2021