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43rd Fighter Generation Squadron


The 43rd Fighter Generation Squadron provides fully qualified F-22 Raptor crew chiefs for worldwide assignment, directing maintenance activities for the largest aircraft maintenance squadron in the Combat Air Force.

Comprised of the 43rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit, the squadron maintains readiness of 29 F-22s to support Tyndall's training mission and continental defense forces. Additionally, the squadron manages scheduled maintenance actions and sortie production operations to support a $30 million annual flying hour program composed of more than 21,000 hours and 16,000 sorties. The squadron also participates in major command, joint service and multinational exercises and contingencies.


To continue to build upon a solid historic foundation by combining revolutionary technology; world-class people and unmatched training to provide the Combat Air Forces with highly-trained pilots and maintainers for the security of a fluid global environment.

The squadron strives to maintain a safe, healthy and educated work force by promoting safety awareness, teamwork, esprit de corps fellowship and camaraderie, fostering an aggressive recognition program and encouraging professional and academic development. Additionally, the squadron strives for continuous improvement by promoting an effective suggestion program to increase productivity and efficiency and actively mentoring personnel to promote skills development. 


Current as of: Oct. 20, 2021