Tyndall AFB Helping Agencies



Call 850-283-CARE (2273) and listen to the available options to connect with one of the below agencies.



Sexual Assault Prevention and Response


Visit https://www.tyndall.af.mil/Helping-Agencies-Home-Page/Sexual-Assault-Prevention-and-Response/​ for more information on the SAPR office and program.



Integrated Resilience Office


The Integrated Resilience Office (IRO) is located in the Resilience Operations Center (ROC) located at 1005 Beacon Beach Rd, Building 1475M.


The IRO is the belly button for the helping agencies on the installation and runs the Community Action Team as well as the Community Action Board.  If you’re unsure what service you’re looking for, the IRO is a great place to start!


Check out the Tyndall Integrated Resilience & Prevention Facebook Page!





Helpful links regarding prevention:





Military & Family Readiness 


The Military & Family Readiness is the cornerstone of the Tyndall AFB family support system. We are here to assist our military community with many free resources to help with every stage of life. Whether it’s financial classes, resume building, or helping during the tough stages of life after loss, the M&FR is here for you.

Hours of Operation

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Thursday from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Closed on ACC Family Days and Federal Holidays (Except Casualty Assistance for Activated Military Members)

Contact Information

Office: 850.283.2400/850.283.2402

Duty Cells: 850.866.8399 or 850.527.4253




Find us on social media:


Instagram: @TyndallMFRC



Family Advocacy Program


Family Advocacy Program (FAP) offers several classes and workshops that are designed to strengthen the family and maintain healthy relationships.  These classes are at NO COST to our military families and include topics on communication, conflict, parenting, anger & stress,  and a new dad’s workshop, which includes labor & delivery, diapering & education on Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

Our classes are offered once a quarter. So, watch for our “sign-up now” blade flags near the gates when classes are about to begin. Call 850-283-7511 for any of our FAP services.  


Additionally, our New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a voluntary program designed to provide support to active-duty families who are expectant or have children from birth up to three years of age. NPSP offers home visits with a registered nurse to provide education on pregnancy, childbirth,  baby & toddler care, growth & developmental and lactation consultation. We also provide education and prevention resources to include the Period of PURPLE (Peak of crying, Unexpected, Resists soothing, Pain-line face, Long lasting, Evening) Crying.


Our Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA) provide resources for immediate intervention for adult victims of domestic violence, crisis intervention & support services 24/7, on-going support, safety planning, consultations and more.  24/7 Crisis Line - 850-290-7073



Operational Support Team


OST (Operational Support Team) formulates and delivers squadron-level health-related interventions to help maximize unit mission capability, health and performance. We integrate with squadrons and provide musculoskeletal injury prevention and mental health expertise by supporting a sustainable culture: by empowering the Airman of the unit to be self-sufficient.  OST can be available for outreach services on a case by case basis per request.

Operational Support Team Manager: Mr. Robert Pagenkopf


(850) 368-8877

OST Org. E-mail: dha.tyndall.Tyndall-325th-MDG.mbx.operational-support-team@health.mil

 (850) 283-7073

Bldg. 1601. OST-Human Performance Center (Backside of Fitness Center)




Health Promotion


Health Promotion raises awareness and knowledge of nutritional fitness, physical activity, sleep optimization and tobacco prevention and increases understanding of how these affect mission readiness and performance

Contact: 850-283-7100

 Email- Michelle.G.Moran.Civ@health.mil

325th MDG bldg. 1465

325 MDG - Health Promotion


School Liaison Office


The School Liaison Officer (SLO) serves as the advisor to the Commander regarding Pre-K- 12th educational needs. The SL also ensures military-connected students are provided opportunities to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally regardless of duty station, deployments, or transition status. Installation commanders play a critical role in the success of the program in building education-community partnerships.

The SLO has a distinct three-tiered approach customer base of command/leadership, military-connected families, and educational vested stakeholders.

Mission – The  School Liaison is committed to outreach, advocacy, and partnership initiatives that generate real-time solutions for military-connected students in grades PreK-12 as they face global educational challenges and transitions.

Vision - To deliver unparalleled educational advocacy, outreach, and partnerships for military-connected students around the globe!

Please call before you visiting the office, as they are out of the office frequently at meetings or at schools. The cell phone is the best way to reach the School Liaison.

SLO: Mallory Gross



445 Suwanne Ave, Building 662 Rm 247

Office – 850-283-2201

Cell – 850-247-5253



Privatized Housing Advocate


Visit https://www.tyndall.af.mil/Helping-Agencies-Home-Page/Privatized-Housing-Resident-Advocate/ for more information.



Chaplain Corps


100% Confidentiality, regardless of circumstance.

The only military entity with this privilege.

Both Chaplains & Religious Affairs Airmen hold this privileged communication.

Trained professionals in Crisis Counseling, Suicide Prevention & Intervention.

Spiritual Counseling offered exclusively by Chaplains.

Resiliency Events held throughout the year.

Single Airmen, Married Couples, Family Activities

Religious services Offered:

Catholic Mass Schedule

Daily Mass, M-F except Thursdays @ 1130

Sunday Mass @ 0900

Protestant Mass Schedule

Sundays @ 1030

ALL Services currently located @ The Oasis (in front of the base Gym)

Chapel Information:

Current Office Location: Building 647 (Finance Building)

Office Number: (850) 283 – 3397

On-Call Chaplain: (850) 624 - 3625

On-Call Religious Affairs Airman: (850) 624 - 3989

Chapel Org Box: 325.FW.HC.Workflow@us.af.mil