Tyndall Air Force Base
24- Hour Response Line to Report Sexual Assault:
(850) 625-1231
Resilience Operations Center (ROC)
1005 Beacon Beach Rd, Bldg. 1475M
By Med Group on the corner of Suwannee Ave. & Beacon Beach Rd.
Office Numbers: (850) 283-3373 DSN: 523-3373
For general questions/information/training please send an e-mail to: 325FW.CVK@us.af.mil
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SAPR Mission
The Tyndall AFB SAPR office provides 24/7 culturally competent, gender-inclusive and recovery-focused support, ensuring dignity and respect for all survivors. As the base continues to transform while becoming a rapidly growing 'Installation of the Future', we adapt by emphasizing professionalism, respect, and trust. Our targeted education, response, and advocacy efforts aim to maintain mission readiness and integrity in an evolving environment.
Sexual Assault is criminal conduct that violates the standards the United States of America expects of its men and women serving in the Air Force and Space Force and is inconsistent with the Air Force and Space Force core values.
Integrity First - Service Before Self - Excellence in All We Do.
Know Your Reporting Options
Restricted Report
- Active-duty military personnel of the Armed Forces
- Members of Reserve
- Members of the National Guard
- Adult dependents of active-duty military members
- DAF Civilian Employees
Report To:
- Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA)
- Military Treatment Facilities
- Victims’ Counsel (VC)
- Chaplain
- Access to medical, advocacy, legal (including VC), and counseling services
- May receive the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE)
- Control the release of personal information
- May convert to an Unrestricted Report at any time
Unrestricted Report
- Active-duty military personnel of the Armed Forces
- Members of Reserve
- Members of the National Guard
- Adult dependents of active-duty military members
- DAF Civilian Employees
- OCONUS All DoD Civilians
Report To:
- Chain of Command
- Law Enforcement
- Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA)
- Military Treatment Facilities
- Access to medical, advocacy, legal (including VC), and counseling services
- May receive the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE)
- Command Support
- May apply for a Military Protective Order and/or Civilian Protective Order
- May request an Expedited Transfer or reassignment
- Investigative and Judicial process allows for offender accountability
What is CONSENT?
Consent is a freely given agreement to the conduct at issue by a competent person. (DoDD 6495.01)
Consent Looks Like:
Communication – honest, open, and continuous
Changing one’s mind at any time
Positive or Affirmative consent: “Yes” or “I am open to…”
Consent does NOT Look Like:
Refusing to acknowledge no
Someone being under the legal age of consent, as defined by the state
Someone being incapacitated because of drugs or alcohol
Pressuring someone into sexual activity by using fear or intimidation
Victims' Counsel
What Can Victims' Counsel do for Sexual Assault victims/survivors:
Provide confidential legal advice
Protect victim/survivor rights and privacy interests
Advocate victim/survivor voice & choice
Advise victim/survivor on the investigation and prosecution process
Represent victim/survivor in interviews, hearings, and military trials
Tyndall AFB Victims’ Counsel Office
Tyndall Comm: 850-283-6325
Duty Cell: 202-731-5077
The SAPR Office can also be contacted to request a Victims’ Counsel. (850) 625-1231 OR (850) 283-3373
Additional Resources
Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program
The CATCH Program gives people making a sexual assault report, where the name of the suspect is not known by law enforcement, an opportunity to anonymously submit suspect information to help the Department of Defense identify serial offenders. If there is a match the victim will be contacted by their SARC and given the option to participate in an investigation. For more information, contact your Tyndall Sexual Assault Response Office by calling (850) 283-3373.
Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
MST refers to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service. The Tyndall AFB SAPR Office can direct survivors to on-base and community resources, as requested.