Financial reimbursement, as provided in this guide, only applies when the Installation Commander orders a MANDATORY EVACUATION. In the absence of a mandatory evacuation ordered by the installation commander, the government will not pay allowances or reimburse expenses. The 325th Comptroller Squadron stands ready to assist you and your family in receiving authorized allowances in the event of an evacuation. This information sheet offers general information and answers frequently asked questions.
• Mileage reimbursement is based on $0.545/mile for POV only, up to the miles approved on EVAC order.
• Daily lodging amount is not to exceed max lodging rate at approved evacuation location; check http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm
• Lodging receipts are mandatory for reimbursement.
• No lodging reimbursement if staying with friends/family (even if you pay).
Per Diem:
• Per Diem for members/dependents will be based on evacuation location for the first 30 days.
o Members/Civilian Employees – 100%
o Dependents 12 & older – 100%; Dependents under 12 – 50%
• Use of the GTC is MANDATORY and authorized for reimbursable expenses.
Travel Cash Advance:
• Eligible for military members and civilian employees without a GTC and dependents (if the sponsor is unavailable).
• DoD ID card and evacuation orders (provided by Finance) required.
• A flat amount of $1,000 will be provided to each family who qualifies.
Filing the Travel Voucher:
• Items Required to File Travel Voucher:
o EVAC Orders, ID card, Bank Account info, Receipts (lodging, expenses over $75.00), and DD Form 1351 for cash advance (if applicable).
• Finance will provide additional guidance upon return for voucher processing procedures.
1. What is an evacuation from a dangerous area?
- In accordance with the AFMAN 65-116 V1 Chapter 79, 79.1. Para 1 and JTR Chapter 6 Para 1. An evacuation is caused by unusual or emergency circumstances.
2. What military regulations provide guidance for evacuation allowances?
- Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), Chapter 6 is used for military and civilian employee and their dependents. The Joint Travel Regulation can be found at http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/perdiem/JTR.pdf.
3. Who can authorize or order an evacuation or limited evacuation?
- The officials are listed in the JTR Table 6-2. In most cases, this is the installation commander.
4. Are hurricane evacuations considered a normal evacuation or a limited evacuation?
- Hurricane evacuations are ordinarily limited evacuations.
5. Do I create my travel orders in DTS prior to evacuating?
- No. Hard copy evacuation orders are not necessary for an evacuation unless the member is receiving a cash advance. In any case, travel orders will be generated by the Comptroller Squadron and given to members when the cash advance is given or upon return from the evacuation.
6. Is use of GTC Mandatory?
- In the event of a mandatory evacuation, use of the Government Travel Card (GTC) is authorized and mandated for authorized members, to include obtaining necessary ATM advances. Dependents are not authorized use of the GTC. Members without a GTC and dependents of deployed spouses are entitled to a cash advance.
7. Are AirBnB and similar websites authorized for lodging?
- Yes. For evacuations, AirBnB and similar websites are authorized, but receipts for lodging reimbursement are required.
8. What if I voluntarily evacuate? Will my expenses be reimbursed?
- IAW the JTR Chapter 6, 060101a, if a member evacuates voluntarily, they are in leave status. If they are later affected by a mandatory evacuation, they are entitled to per-diem and travel from that point forward, but not to any retroactive per-diem. Eligibility for reimbursement is based on evacuation orders.
9. If local government officials issue an evacuation order and the installation commander has not issued an evacuation, do I evacuate? Will I received my entitlements?
- FM regulations only determine when entitlements begin for members and civilian employees. The local government officials cannot dictate when entitlements start for federal government, even if they order an evacuation. Entitlements will only begin after the installation commander implements an evacuation order. This does not mean that members, civilian employees and families cannot evacuate, but entitlements will not begin without an evacuation order from the installation commander.
- The installation commander and the Emergency Operations Center director will be working closely with local municipalities for consistency on evacuations.
10. If I make a hotel reservation and the base does not get evacuated, will I get reimbursed any cancellation penalties?
- No. Entitlements can only be paid when there is an evacuation order by the installation commander and an accompanying travel order.
11. Who funds ordered evacuations?
- The organization ordering the evacuation normally funds evacuation travel. Funding for evacuations is used with HURVAC Funds IAW the JTR 060104 Table 6-8 2-7.
12. What are the military member’s allowances if on leave at the time the evacuation order is issued?
- If the leave did not terminate prior to the order to return, the member remains in a leave status and per diem would not be payable. If leave terminates while the evacuation order is in effect; then the member is placed in a TDY status at the leave point if the commander determines that the member should not return. There is no authorization for transportation allowances.
13. What if the member is slated to separate or retire during an evacuation?
- As long as the member is on active duty, the evacuation order applies and the member is entitled to reimbursement. Members may need to push their final duty date to the right to ensure processing of all entitlements.
14. Can I go anywhere and still get paid?
- No, the order authorizing the evacuation will specify certain distances of travel. The minimum distance ensures evacuees remain out of harm’s way. The maximum distance is designed to reduce unnecessary travel expenses. In order for you to be reimbursed you must evacuate beyond the minimum distance annotated on the EVAC orders. Traditionally, the first place an evacuee stops within the safe haven area is considered the safe haven and is locked IAW JTR Chapter 6, Table 6-14. If the evacuee travels to a different location, the transportation (mileage) is not paid and the safe haven allowance remains based on the old location.
15. What are the allowances if members and/or dependents go outside the established safe haven?
- IAW the JTR Chapter 6, Table 6-14a, individuals must travel to the specified safe haven area unless the authorizing/ordering official allows evacuees to travel to an alternate location, but limits the cost to the authorized location. Authorization to relocate to another area must be stated in the evacuation order.
16. What are the members and/or dependents allowances if they return after the termination date?
- IAW JTR Chapter 6, 060207 2a, evacuation allowances will not exceed the termination date if instructed to return. Dependents that voluntarily remain past the termination date are constructed back as if they had traveled on the termination date.
Note: In some cases the travelers may not be able to return home within the time limit of the evacuation termination. Normally the traveler needs to return within 24 hours. In a case where a traveler was not able to make it back in the set time, the Finance Office can approve the additional travel time.
17. I just want to clarify the mileage rate payable for military dependents; civilian employees/dependents driving separately...the rate for all should be the TDY rate of $.545, correct?
- Correct. Also, mileage will be paid based on odometer readings IAW JTR Chapter 6, Table 6-14. Odometer readings can be annotated on the return voucher for exact mileage reimbursement. If this is not done then reimbursement for mileage will be calculated by system used by AFFSC. (That system does not account for closed roads/detours). Reimbursement for mileage is not authorized for the passengers in the vehicle.
18. Are military members and their dependents authorized 2 POVs (Example: military member and spouse both evacuate at the same time in 2 cars...are both paid at the TDY rate of $0.545.)?
- IAW JTR Chapter 6, 060202, Table 6-14 2b, 2c. JTR 050203 B. 2. Each category of travel is treated separately,
1) If the dependents evacuate using a POV, the operators are paid $.545/per mile for limited evacuations.
2) If the member is ordered TDY, they are paid under TDY rules and are paid $.545/mile for POV travel.
Note: No more than two vehicles per family are reimbursed. Dependents traveling in the same vehicle as the member are not reimbursed for mileage.
Note: Civilian employees and their dependents are only reimbursed mileage for one POV.
19. I just want to clarify that POV in/around mileage is NOT authorized around the safe haven.
- Correct, IAW the JTR Chapter 6, 060205 1a, local travel is not authorized; however travel allowance of $25 per day for each family is authorized in place of not using a POV.
20. Is airfare reimbursable?
- Yes. Airfare is completely reimbursable if the ticket is purchased through CTO and within the evacuation order minimum and maximum distance radius. If not purchased through CTO reimbursement will be limited to the government constructed cost.
21. I received a phone call from an evacuee. They are displaced in Jacksonville, FL. The hotel they are staying at is raising their rates for the holiday weekend. Have we issued any policy on this type action? The person is wondering if they will be reimbursed at the higher rate for the weekend since it exceeds per diem.
- IAW with the JTR Chapter 6, 060205 2h, there is no authority for "Actual Expense Allowance" during an evacuation; normal per diem rates apply.
22. What are the lodging rates?
- IAW the JTR Chapter 6, 060205, Table 6-17, and 060205 7c Para 1, members/employees are paid up to the maximum lodging amount allowed in the JTR. For the first 30 days, dependents 12 and over received up to 100% of the members/employees rate, and dependents under 12 receive 50% of the members/employees rate. This rate cannot exceed 450% in total.
- Lodging Rate not to exceed max lodging rate at approved evacuation location; check http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm.
23. What are the meal rates?
- The meal allowance (M&IE (Meals and Incidental Expenses)) is paid as a flat rate, regardless of expenditure. The rate is determined by the traveler’s location, and listed in the JTR. On the first and last day of travel, 75% of the regular daily rate will be paid regardless of time of departure or return. Any location not listed in the JTR will be paid the standard rate of $93 for lodging and $46 for meals. Locations for M&IE rates can be found in http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm.
24. Are members authorized travel and transportation allowances if they voluntarily return to retrieve personal items?
- No, IAW with the JTR Chapter 6, 060202, Table 6-14b, if there has not been an order to return (all clear). Even if a dependent leaves for personal reasons they will not receive any transportation allowance.
25. Military member or civilian employee invites other members or employees and their families to stay at their parents’ house. The non-family members are charged by the parents of the military member/employee, what allowances are authorized?
- IAW the JTR Chapter 2, Table 2-15 6, and JTR Chapter 2 020304a, safe haven and/or TDY allowances are still payable except for lodging since members/employees are staying with “friends” there is no authority to pay for the lodging.
26. Are pet fees reimbursable?
- IAW the JTR Chapter 6, 060407a, and JTR Introduction Para 5 (If it is not in the JTR it is not reimbursable) there is no statutory authority to reimburse pet fees for CONUS.
27. What sorts of other expenses are NOT reimbursable?
- IAW the JTR Introduction Para 5 (If it is not in the JTR it is not reimbursable), home preparation expenses, automobile expenses (repair, maintenance, oil etc.), grocery bills, nonofficial calls, ATM fees for personal credit/debit/ATM cards.
28. Does each dependent need their own voucher (i.e. a travel voucher each for spouse, son, daughter, etc.) or will it be one order listing all of the dependents?
- IAW the DoDFMR Volume 9 Travel Policies 070205 and 070301, one voucher can be completed for all family members (filed under the military sponsors social security number) if traveled CONCURRENTLY. If dependents ONLY traveled then a separate voucher will be filed for the dependents, the dependents EFT information is required for reimbursement. Items required to file a travel voucher (DD Form 1351-2) are:
o Evacuation order;
o ID Card (DD Form 1173, United States Uniformed Services ID and Privilege Cards; DD Form 2750, Senior Executive Service ID Card; DD Form 2765, ID and Privilege Card; DD Form 2764, Civilian Geneva Convention Card; passports; or other forms of picture ID are sufficient identification to pay evacuees);
o Receipts (lodging receipts and receipts for expenses over $75.00).
29. How can members, employees and dependents get orders if everyone from the unit/base is evacuated?
- The 325th CPTS will have provisions for obtaining orders showing personnel authorized to evacuate; the initial blanket evacuation order and amendment coupled with proper orders amendments showing sponsors SSANs upon return to the evacuated PDS will suffice. If order are not available, refer evacuees to the local personnel organization IAW the DoDFMR Volume 9 Travel Policies 070201.
30. I’m a contractor on base; will the base fund my evacuation?
- IAW the JTR Introduction, and JTR Applicability 2a, it does not apply to contractor employees under a DoD contract. There are no provisions to fund contractor evacuation expenses; suggest you contact your contractor supervision/human resources office for specific company reimbursement details.
31. I’m on terminal leave and my date of separation is during or after the evacuation – am I entitled to reimbursement?
- If still on active duty when the official evacuation order is directed, you are therefore ordered to evacuate and entitled to evacuation reimbursement IAW the JTR 060101a. Note: your date of separation may be adjusted.
32. Do I need to use my GTC for expenses during the evacuation?
- Yes, IAW the DoDI 5154.31 Volume 4 040101 Para 1. DoDI 5154.31 Volume 4 041307, and Public Law 105-264, the GTC card is mandatory for authorized reimbursable expenses.
33. Can contractor, civilian and Canadian Forces personnel use the pre-designated out-of-area hurricane evacuation (HUREVAC) shelters?
- Yes, IAW the AFI 36-3803 Introduction Para 1, and 1.1, all AF personnel must put their evacuation location information into AFPAAS and it is recommended that DoD civilians put their information into AFPAAS as well. Contract personnel will report to their company representatives.
34. Can I evacuate my family from base quarters before evacuation is ordered?
- Yes, IAW the JTR Chapter 6, 060101a. However, evacuation travel entitlements are determined based on the wing commander's evacuation order. So if you send your family away and no evacuation is ordered, you will not receive any evacuation travel entitlements. The military member must always be in an authorized leave, pass, or TDY status official duty status. Eligibility for reimbursement is based on evacuation orders.
35. Can I evacuate my family from my off-base quarters before ordered to evacuate?
- Yes and no. If you are a military member or DoD civilian employee and you evacuate before being ordered by military and county authorities to evacuate, you must be in an authorized leave, pass, or TDY status to avoid possible compromise of benefits and potential adverse personnel action. Your family can evacuate early, but your family's evacuation travel entitlements are determined based on the commander's evacuation order. Eligibility for reimbursement is based on evacuation orders.
36. Does the base have shelters?
- 130 mph standards. If base housing residents are evacuated it is because they live in a low lying area or the hurricane strength winds are such that the installation commander deems it is necessary to initiate a total evacuation. There are no established shelters for pets on base.
37. How do I know when to return from an evacuation and when to return to work?
- If you are a military member or DoD civilian employee, your chain of command will contact you when it is time to return home and get back to work. Keep in touch with your supervisor during the evacuation to make sure you receive the most current information. If you have internet access, you can also find out when to return and obtain other instructions from the 1 AF/CONR hurricane website at: http://1afnorth.region1.ang.af.mil/hurricane/default.aspx or you can go to the Tyndall AFB Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/325FWTyndall/.
NOTE: Follow the below evacuation update procedures:
1. Call supervisor.
2. Unable to contact supervisor call next members of chain of command.
3. Update location at: https://afpaas.af.mil.
4. If you cannot access AFPAAS update location at: http://1afnorth.region1.ang.af.mil/hurricane/default.aspx.
5. If you cannot contact your chain of command or access AFPAAS contact the A1 rep at the relocation site.
6. Last resort call AFPC Readiness Cell at 1-800-435-9941.