Team Tyndall,
The base recovery efforts are coming along well. Our team is hard at work cleaning up the base, protecting buildings, and making the area safe.
In the past few weeks, we have allowed on base residents and those storing personal property on base access to their homes and storage areas to facilitate insurance claims and property removal. As we move forward, we are at the point where we need all individuals to retrieve their property out of lots and storage areas so that we can continue with our recovery and reconstitution plan.
We know that the hurricane has moved and destroyed many items, and we will do our best to ensure you are able to find and retrieve any personal property. We are asking that those who have personal property on base (not to include personal property located in base housing) to retrieve it within the next 45 days. In order to do this, those who must retrieve their property should contact our Tyndall Visitor Control Center as outlined in the legal notice attachment to ensure access.
We are grateful for your patience. We have worked hard to make sure you have safe access to your personal property, and we are thankful for your assistance as it allows us to maintain our steady progress toward recovery.
Col. Brian S. Laidlaw
325th Fighter Wing Commander
Attachment 1:
The 325th Fighter Wing at Tyndall Air Force Base (“Tyndall”), Florida, hereby gives notice of the presence on Tyndall of certain displaced, personal property, including but not limited to recreational vehicles, campers, watercraft, and motor vehicles. If you had personal property stored on base prior to Hurricane Michael, you are hereby notified to remove said property from Tyndall within 45 days of this notice. Additionally, if you have no base affiliation, but have reason to believe that your personal property may have been relocated to Tyndall property as a result of Hurricane Michael, you are hereby notified that Tyndall intends to dispose of such property 45 days from the date of this notice in accordance with 10 U.S. Code Section 2575 and Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation Volume 12 Chapter 25.
Any person or entity having a right of claim to any displaced, personal property described above should contact the Tyndall Base Defense Operations Center (BDOC) at 850-283-2254 and make plans to remove the property from Tyndall within 45 days. When contacting BDOC, please be prepared to provide your name and contact information; the make and model of the property; the hull number, registration number, or vehicle identification number; the last known location of the property; and the date and plan for removing the property.
This notice does not apply to personal property located inside privatized housing.