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  • Tenant feedback drives housing programs improvement

    Department of the Air Force housing program officials are analyzing data from the recently completed 2020 Department of Defense Annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey for trends and ways to improve the enterprise’s privatized and government-owned housing portfolio and tenant experience.
  • PMO, USACE partner to rebuild Tyndall

    After Hurricane Michael hit Tyndall Air Force Base in October 2018, the Air Force and Army forged a partnership with a single vision in mind--to build the “Installation of the future.” The Tyndall Project Management Office is rebuilding the base and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers became an important ally as the rebuild moved forward. With crucial partners like the USACE working alongside the PMO, Tyndall is on track to become a 21st century leader for the Air Force.
  • Environmental team aids Tyndall hurricane recovery

    An Air Force environmental recovery assistance team’s assessment of the environmental impact of Hurricane Michael on Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, is helping recovery and rebuilding efforts at the base.
  • AFIMSC helps Tyndall get back in the fight

    As Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, recovers from the full-force punch leveled by Hurricane Michael Oct. 10, members and teams from across the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center are helping the base get back in the fight. AFIMSC Vice Commander Col. Pat Miller leads Task Force Phoenix to assess the long-term usability of facilities at the installation. Col. Seth Frank, chief of the AFIMSC Force Protection Division, commands Task Force HARP (Housing, Assignment, Relocation and Posture), which is helping Tyndall Airmen and families with housing, family living issues and relocation. Other members of AFIMSC are serving on the task forces to deliver installation and mission support requirements, and others are providing reach-back help from the center’s headquarters in San Antonio and other AFIMSC locations across the globe.