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  • Tyndall strengthens readiness through team sports

    For U.S. Airmen across the globe, maintaining a fitness regime can take shape in a variety of ways. For some Airmen, this could be individual training such as weightlifting, rock climbing or marathon running. However, for some Tyndall Airmen this looks like participating in Tyndall’s varsity sports

  • A resilient future in the making

    Rebuilding an installation while continuing daily operations is no simple undertaking. Still, with the help of assisting agencies, members of Tyndall Air Force Base have met the challenge head-on, with 2024 being a big milestone year. However, with the excitement of a new year, installation

  • 2nd Lt. Eric Wills leads the way on and off the rugby field

    As a part of the Team Tyndall community, it's not uncommon to encounter leaders who embody the values of teamwork, resilience and camaraderie. Drawing from his experiences in competitive rugby, 2nd Lt. Eric Wills, 325th Logistics Readiness Squadron traffic management operations officer in charge,

  • ZeroEyes technology helps detect potential firearm threats

    The rebuild of Tyndall Air Force Base has set a precedent for innovation with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology being implemented across the installation. ZeroEyes, an artificial intelligence system that detects potential firearm threats, is among some of the latest

  • Tyndall promotes change through Women's Initiatives Team

    As an official Department of the Air Force component at the wing level, Tyndall’s Women's Initiatives Team is an Installation Barrier Analysis Working Group specifically focused on gender-based obstacles, equal opportunity within the workplace and creating a more equitable environment for all.

  • Class-25A completes training at Airey NCO Academy

    The Paul W. Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy hosted and completed its largest in-residence class since Hurricane Michael, symbolizing the resiliency and growth that Tyndall continues to make daily.

  • 12th and 13th CMSAFs visit Tyndall

    Retired Chief Master Sgts. Frederick J. Finch, 13th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, and Eric W. Benken, 12th CMSAF, speak to U.S. Airmen during an enlisted call at Tyndall, where Airmen from the 325th Fighter Wing had the opportunity to ask questions about culture differences, policy changes