Honorary Commander Program

As a good neighbor, Tyndall Air Force Base is committed to developing, promoting and maintaining positive and productive relationships with key community leaders in the surrounding area.

This program's objective is to provide these community leaders with greater exposure to the Checkertail missions and a closer look at the Air Force role in supporting national defense.

By joining us in this capacity, Honorary Commanders will not only gain unique insights into the important work we do, but will also have the chance to become an unofficial spokesperson for the Department of the Air Force, advocating for our dedicated Air and Space professionals and their families on local, regional, and national levels.

The program is designed to engage, educate, and empower community leaders to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the diverse roles and missions at Tyndall Air Force Base.
  • Forge invaluable connections between our base leadership and civic and professional organizations, opening doors for collaboration and mutual support.

For more information about the Tyndall Honorary Commander Program, read our Program Guide or call (850)-253-3295.