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Tyndall Dormitories

Bachelor personnel in grades E-1 through E-4 (with less than three years of service), who are assigned to Tyndall are required to reside in unaccompanied housing. Report to dormitory manager's office Building 1052 with-in first day of arrival and at normal duty hours.

Room assignments are made through the Centralized Dorm Management Office located in Dorm 1052, first floor.

Married Airmen, E-1 through E-3, and single Airman, E-4, may be able to reside off base with permission from the dormitory manager and their unit first sergeant.

Tyndall has nine dormitories providing 566 bed spaces. All permanent party rooms are single occupancy and pipeline student rooms are double occupancy. Residents are assigned private rooms that are approximately 130 square feet and may share a bathroom with one other resident. Rooms are fully furnished to include full or twin size bed and refrigerator. For those who enjoy cooking, two dormitories have been renovated to the 1+1 construction standard with a shared kitchen and three of our dormitories has a fully equipped community kitchen. Tyndall also has three newly built Dorms-4-Airmen dormitories that share a kitchen and common area; however each individual room has their own bathroom and walk in closet.

On weekends and holidays, report to the Sand Dollar Inn for temporary lodging until the next duty day, when Airmen should report to the dormitory manager's office.

There are no unaccompanied officers quarters available.

Current as of: Oct. 20, 2021